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Do you find that you learn things faster than your parents sometimes? Congratulations, you could be right. Scientists have found the reason children learn faster than adults.

Scientists at Brown University, US, found that school-aged children learn new knowledge and (skill) faster than grown-ups. This has something to do with a chemical (化学物质) called GABA in our brains. It reduces brain noise so that we can learn things more (easy). It also (make) new knowledge stay longer in our heads.

The scientists scanned (扫描) the brains of children (8-11 years old) and adults (18-35 years old) before, during, and after doing learning task. It turned out that when children learn new things, the amount of GABA rises quickly. But there's little change in adults' brains. This tells us why children are (good) learners than adults.

The finding, the scientists said, should encourage teachers and parents (let) children learn anything from riding a bike playing an instrument in their childhood. It could also (use) to help adults learn faster by increasing the amount of GABA in 60. (they) brains. The best way of increasing GABA is to get enough sleep and exercise.
