组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Have you ever come home from a holiday feeling more tired than you were before you left? Through travelling, most people expect a break from their stressful lives. However, as they rush from one place to a, they aren't really able to take a good rest.

Now, imagine living for a week in a French house, buying fresh vegetables from the local market every morning, and taking day trips to n villages which are within ten-minute bike rides. Does this sound great to you? That's the magic of slow travel. This is no "four-cities-in-seven-days" tour of Europe. Instead, you will really slow down and experience new cultures.

Slow travel can mean taking a bike tour from one village to the next. It can mean driving along back roads instead of taking the highway. It can also mean covering long distances by train instead of by air so that you can enjoy the beautiful v along the way. No matter how you do it, the key is to slow down. You are to make the most of each moment of your holiday.

Slow travel has a few a. It allows you to form a stronger connection to your destination. You will stay in one place long e to make friends with your neighbors and even pick your favourite coffeehouse. You will really have a break from your stressful life.

Slow travel is environmentally-friendlier than other types of travel. Airplanes cause lots of

p. Trains, bikes and your own feet are better for the environment. Slow travel also saves you money. Staying in one place for a week will r your transportation costs. Besides, you may cook your own food instead of eating out for every meal.

The next time you are to go on a holiday, remember to try it the slow way.
