组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

 ( Li Fang is the first prize winner of the Third English Speech Contest for Junior High Students. 

A journalist of the China Students' Post is interviewing her. )

Journalist: Congratulations on your success!

Li Fang: Thanks. It's really a great honor for me.

Journalist: Please tell us what you've done to develop your English skills.

Li Fang: Well, my way is to keep practicing. You know practice makes perfect. It's very important to take every opportunity to practice speaking English in and out of class.

Journalist: I guess you keep an English diary, don't you?

Li Fang: Yes, I do. I keep it in order to develop my writing skills.

Journalist: How do you improve your listening and reading skills?

Li Fang: I often listen to English broadcasts and watch English TV programs in my spare time. And I like to read English stories and newspapers. I read either the China Students' Post or the 21 st Century before I go to bed.

Journalist: You're a very good language learner indeed. What do you want to be when you grow up, Li Fang?

Li Fang: My dream is either to be a diplomat or to be a teacher of English.

Journalist: Good for you! I hope your dream will come true. Nice talking to you.

Li Fang: Thank you, and I enjoyed talking to you, too.
