组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Like most people, you find it difficult to climb out of bed early in the morning. But once you wake up as the sun rises after a long struggle, it will of benefit (益处) to you. As Benjamin Franklin said, " Theearly morning has gold mouth. "

The best part of waking up early is the peace. You can feel the fresh air entering yourself and refreshing your whole body. There are sounds of humans, which usually make you distracted (分心的) while doing what you like. It's the best time to focus and think about what to do for the rest of the day. When you wake early you can make a healthy breakfast which is considered the most important meal of the day. Waking up early also helps youhave a head start. If you wake up early, there will be enough time to exercise. It will help you have both emotional and physical health.

When you wake up earl, you can do things peacefully without being worried about getting late. It also gives you a healthy skin. In the early morning, the sunlight on your face gives you a healthy glow(容光焕发). Moreover, if you wake up early you will keep your skin hydrated (含水的) by drinking enough water which develops your skin healthily. Early risers have better sleep patterns that suit them than those who sleep late, and they get quality sleep that results in repairs of the mind and the body. It helps in increasing blood supply to the muscles for development. 

The benefits are enough for early risers. If you are someone who is night owl, you can try to change this with a patience. Make sure that you have the right sleep tools, and go to bed a little earlier so that you can sleep well and get up early. 
