组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

These yearspeople show all kinds of things on the Internet—good food, nice clothes, wonderful vacations and so on. Now showing the number of steps is becoming popular, too. Why?

People are finding it important to be in good health. To keep healthy, many people go to work on foot. When they start walking, they open the step counter app in their phones to record how many steps they walk that day. After a day's walk, some people show the number on We Chat or Weibo. This can make them learn from each other and keep exercising.

"This helps me to exercise much and keep a good habit," Miss Liu said. "I can also talk about how to keep healthy with my friends on We Chat. We are in the same group to encourage each other to keep exercising. "

Mr. Wu likes to exercise. But in the past he was kind of lazy and didn't want to exercise everyday. "After I use the step counter app, everything is different. It's great to exercise with my friends. Sometimes there are prizes for those who walk more steps. I really like it," he said.

Walking is a relaxing and useful way to exercise. Both the old and the young like it. Recording the steps helps people develop a good habit of walking and showing the number can make people more interested in walking. But don't take the number too seriously.
