组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The duke invited Portia and Nerissa to have dinner with him, but Portia said she had to hurry back to Padua. Bassaniostill didn't realize that Portia was his wife. He thought she was a young judge. He o her the thirty thousand dollars that he was going to give Shylock. Portia refused to take any m from him or from Antonio.

She said she had to leave, but Bassaniobegged her to let him give her s for helping them save Antonio. Portia agreed. She asked Bassaniofor his ring. Bassaniowas dismayed. It was the ring that Portia gave him. He remembered what she said when she gave it to him. "If you lose this ring, or sell it, or give it away, it will m that you no longer love me. "Then he remembered what he said when she gave it to him. "This ring will not leave my finger until I die. "

"This ring is not very good," he told Portia. "Allow me to buy you a b one.

"No," said Portia "I like this ring. I don't want anything else. Just give me your ring. "

"I can't," said Bassanio, "I will buy the best ring in Venice for you, but this ring must s on my finger. "

"I see," said Portia "F, you teach me to beg, and then you teach me how to answer a beggar. "

"My wife gave me this ring," said Bassanio, "and I said I would n lose it, sell it or give it away. "

"Even if that is t" said Portia, "I have earned it by saving your friend, I am s that your wife would agree. "

She said goodbye to Antonio and Bassanioand left. 
