组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Hi, friends! I'm Grace. Welcome to my live broadcasting room (直播间)! I'm very happy today because my parents are taking me to the zoo.

The zoo is not far, so we are riding our bikes there. We need to ride down North Road for twenty minutes and then turn right on Center Street first. Next, we need to keep riding for ten minutes. Then we can arrive. The zoo is just between a post office and a park on Center Street. 

Now we are in the zoo. We see some koalas first. They are my sister's favorite animals. The koalas are sleeping in the tree. They are really lazy but funny. Across from the koalas, lots of monkeys are eating bananas. They are very smart and interesting. What animals do I like best? Well, they are black and white, and they are a symbol of our country. Then do you know what animals they are? Yes, they are pandas! I can see two there. They are climbing the tree. How cute they look!

We are all having a great time!
