组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Love is not a single feeling. Although we love our family and friends, sometimes we just don't know how to show our love to them. In fact people give love in different ways. Each way can be called a "love language. "

First, offering praise. Praise means attention and care. "You've done a good job. " "These shoes look nice on you"…Such praise will make others pleased.

A gift means "I care about you. " The gift does not have to be expensive. Perhaps a piece of chocolate is OK.

Third, spending time together. Have a relaxing time and do things we all enjoy. Don't be busy all the time. Have a picnic with the family.

Fourth, being a good learner. When someone is down, what he wants is to understanding. Don't talk about ourselves too much.

These love languages help us to express love. They also make us understand love form others. 

A. This kind of language uses words to show love. 

B. Or visit grandparents to talk to them. 

C. Second, giving gifts. 

D. Be ready to listen and try to understand. 

E. Here are some love languages. 
