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The father of China's space program                            

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Qian Xuesen was one of the greatest Chinese scientists of modern times. People call him the "father of China's space program" for the work he did in helping develop the country's first rockets(火箭), missiles(导弹) and satellites(人造卫星). He helped China become a for technology and enter a new space age.

Qian was born in Shanghai in 1911. He went to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and then took a scholarship to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) in the USA in 1935, From there, he moved to the California Institute of Technology(Caltech), where he became an expert(专家) in aerodynamics(空气动力学) and jet propulsion(喷气推进). One of his university  at Caltech described him as a genius an unusually clever person. 

Qian stayed in the USA during the Second World War to do some work on jet propulsion, and he soon became one of the  rocket scientists in the USA. In 1950, he decided to return to China, but the American government tried  him from leaving and even from moving around freely in California. At last, in 1955, he  return to China.                   

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Back home, Qian at once helping China develop a space program. He started the Institute of Mechanics in Beijing, where he trained young scientists. He worked on many important space . In 1960, China's first rocket and first missile were launched(发射) . In 1970, China launched its first satellite. It is largely because of Qian's that China so quickly developed a space program, and became only the third country to send a manned rocket into space in 2003. 

Qian watched this rocket launch on television. He was by he will always be  for his great contributions(贡献). He working so hard for his country, even through difficult times, helping develop the space program that pushed China into the future. 
