Separate Boys and Girls at School
Jack White is a 17-year-old student who has already published a collection of poetry with a local publisher. Jack believes switching (转换) to an all-boys school changed his life.
"When I was at my coed (男女同校的) school,poetry was for girls,not boys. Boys were supposed to like subjects like math,computers,and science. When I wrote poems,the boys at school used to make fun of me. At my new school,things are different.
Jack may not realize that boys and girls also learn and think differently based on specific (特有的) biological developments. These differences have an effect on how and when boys and girls learn,so single-sex (单性别的) education is actually better for children.
Take,for example,brain development. The areas of the brain involved in language,feelings,physical coordination (协调),and social relationships develop in a different order and speed in girls and boys. Teenage girls find it easier to answer the question, "How does the story make you feel?" than teenage boys. Research has shown that teenage girls' brains develop the connections between language and emotions earlier than boys' brains. A teenage boy will have more difficulty answering that question because his brain has not fully developed that connection yet. In a single-sex classroom,everyone's brain is developing at similar speeds,so teachers can teach according to their students' actual abilities.
Boys and girls also have different hearing abilities. Girls have a sense of hearing which is two to four times better than boys. Women teachers often speak more quietly,so boys may have more difficulty hearing a woman teacher if she is talking in her "normal" voice. The teacher needs to speak louder to get the boys' attention. In a single-sex school,teachers do not have to keep adjusting the volume of their voice.
Jack might not notice the biological arguments why single-sex education is better,but he realizes that he is learning faster at his new school. As Jack says, "I hated writing and studying English in my old coed school,but look at me now,I am a published poet! My new school helped me become comfortable with who I really am. "