组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Respecting teachers has always been a tradition in China. Yang Shi was a philosopher(哲学家)in the Northern Song Dynasty. One day, he and his schoolmates had different opinions on a question. To get a 1 answer, he went to visit Cheng Yi, the famous philosopher. At Cheng's house, 2 , the guarding kid told him that Mr. Cheng was meditating(冥想)in his room and asked him to go back. Yang 3 to leave, so the little boy left him alone and went in.

After a while, it began to snow 4 . The little boy came out again and reminded Yang that Mr. Cheng might spend the whole afternoon meditating. He invited Yang to 5 himself in the house to avoid the wind and snow. But Yang kept standing in the snow and waiting outside in order that he could ask Cheng's 6 on the question.

As soon as Cheng finished meditating, the boy reported that Yang was waiting outside. When 7 this, Cheng came out to see Yang. When the door was opened, everyone was 8 . The snow was more than a foot deep, but Yang stood still, 9 moving his feet. "Young man, why are you so silly? You could have come again someday!" Cheng took Yang to the room at once.

"As a student…if I want to learn from the teacher…I should…of course…respectfully wait outside…" said Yang, shaking with cold.

Cheng was very happy and accepted Yang as his student because of Yang's politeness and effort to learn. He taught Yang all his philosophical thoughts. That made a big 10 to Yang's life. Later, Yang really learned a lot and made great contributions(贡献)to his country.
