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In the Spring and Autumn period (475-221 BC) there lived a man called Ji Zha. He was the fourth son of the king of the Kingdom of Wu. Because of Ji Zha's sticking to righteousness ( 义 ) and wide learning, he was his father's favorite, and the king wanted to make him his heir ( 继承人 ). However, Ji Zha refused because he thought the king's eldest son should be the one to receive the throne. Later, Ji Zha served as an ambassador ( 外交大臣 ) of Wu to other kingdoms in China.

Once, on a mission to the Kingdom of Lu, Ji Zha passed through the Kingdom of Xu. The king of Xu received him as a friend, and admired the valuable sword ( 剑 ) Ji Zha was wearing. Although his host didn't mention it, Ji Zha could see he wanted to own it very much. However, as he still needed to go to Lu, Ji Zha didn't give the king of Xu his sword as a present.

After finishing his mission to Lu, on his way back, Ji Zha once again passed through Xu. This time he decided to give the sword to the king of Xu. But when he arrived, his friend had already passed away. Ji Zha didn't expect it and felt very sad. He took off his sword and gave it to the dead man by hanging it on a tree near his tomb ( 坟墓 ).

Ji Zha's attendants ( 随从 ) didn't understand his action, saying, "Sir, the king of Xu is already dead. Why do you still give up your sword to him?"

Ji Zha shook his head, "When I came to the Kingdom of Xu last time, I noticed that my friend admired my sword, and I decided that when I came back I would give it to him. However, I never expected this turn of events. But how could I change my mind just because the man had died?" With these words, he left the place, low-spirited and heart-broken.
