组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库
Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. (将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词。)                                 

A. sad B. Traditionally C. think D. sing E. To her surprise

Do you often feel being neglected(被忽视的) by teachers and parents? in China, teachers and parents always tell children what they should and shouldn't do. The young only need to do what they are told. They hardly ever by themselves. A girl wrote to the magazine about her family story. She was very before because her father hardly played with her. So she finally decided to write her father a letter, telling him about her sadness. , her father said sorry to her. From then on, he really changed. Sometimes, we should let our parents hear our voices, so that they can understand our thoughts and feelings.
