组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

I remember the year when I was seven years old. I 1  a pretty hair clip from a girl in my dance class. My 2  found the shiny clip was not bought by them. So they sat me down on the floor of our study and explained 3  what I had done was wrong. What a bad end I would come to if I became a thief—people would not trust me any more.

More than thirty years on, the lesson has reminded me a lot. I've never taken 4 that was not mine away. Once, I left a store wearing a pair of sunglasses I'd tried on and then I 5 gave it back. But that gave me the feeling of shame for months.

Though my childhood memories are not 6 , such moments when my parents told me good values are always in my mind. They provided a standard of good 7 : to put myself in others' shoes and to control my greed (贪欲).

The social environment in the coming age 8 each generation's value, but families have the deeper effect on children. The right values from our parents can finally lead us to 9 .

I believe in truth because my parents raise me to do so, even though sometimes my opinions are different from theirs. I believe in 10  because my parents set me good examples. They cure the sick and visit the lonely. I believe in working hard because my parents devote themselves to the society. Good values from my family have shaped me. And I will pass them on to my kids.
