组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Students in the U. S. sent a small boat into the Atlantic Ocean in October 2020. It was a school experiment (实验) to see where the ocean currents (洋流) would take the boat. The boat was 1.8 meters long and had a satellite positioning system, or GPS. 

A Norwegian student found the boat on February 1, 2022, on a small Norwegian island. He took it to his school. There were some autumn leaves and pictures in the boat. 

The American students are planning a call with the Norwegian students soon. The students worried many times that their boat had gone missing. It stopped communicating with the satellite. However, the boat started showing where it was again inthesummer of 2021 when it was near Ireland. On January 30, 2022, it seemed to have reached land. 

One of the American students who sent the boat out, Molly Flynn, said she was "surprised the boat actually made it somewhere. " Flynn said she was worried the boat would get lost in the middle of the ocean. She called it "cool and surprising" that it was found.

The teacher, Stymiest, who started the project said: "When you're sending it out, you have no idea where it's going to end up and how it's going to get there, if it ends up anywhere at all. " Stymiest said the students "put their hopes and dreams and wishes into it, and I think sometimes that helps. "
