组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Once, a man bought a big, fat hen from a farmer. He thought it would be nice to eat it for supper. As he was walking home, a rooster (公鸡) began to flap around his head.

It was crying and looked very sad. Maybe it was trying to tell him something. But he couldn't understand what it wanted to say. When the man got home, he put the hen outside in a wooden box.

That night the rooster flew to the man's house and waited outside. The next morning the rooster was still there, standing close to the hen's box. The man decided to catch it, but when he tried, the rooster dropped a piece of gold in front of him. Suddenly, the man realized what the rooster wanted.

"I understand!" he said kindly. "You love your hen and want to buy her back from me." The man let the hen go, and the two birds went away happily together.
