组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

It was a quiet morning in the library, and we librarians were enjoying a rather loud chat. Suddenly, a patron marched up to us, gave us an annoyed "Shush!" and went back to her seat. How strange for a group of librarians to be shushed by a patron! Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Well, it's complicated. If you're like me, a middle-aged woman, you probably remember libraries as places of silent reading. These days, however, libraries are more like active community centers.

In the past, most libraries didn't focus much on programs for kids whose age made it impossible for them to be quiet on demand. But growing knowledge about the importance of kids and teens learning through hands-on experiences has since caused a sea change in how libraries connect with young readers. Now libraries begin offering interactive programs for kids, including crafts, board games, and story times. These types of programs certainly aren't designed to be silent.

Along with more programs for ever-younger children, technology today has played a part in the transformation of libraries into places where both kids and adults can use computers, make something on a 3D printer and more. In addition, many libraries now offer programs for adults, who can participate in book discussion, learn calligraphy, and even take college classes. 

Of course, libraries still need peaceful phones. These days, many libraries have glassed-off study rooms or quiet areas. They are also less noisy in the early afternoons, after morning children's programs and before the after-school kid crowd arrive.

It's clear to me now that on the day my colleagues and I were shushed by a patron, we should have been using our "library voices" as we talked. Still, it's unlikely that libraries will ever return to the days when they were places of silence. There's just too much fun and learning happening.
