组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

My favorite activity is playing, watching, reading, and really anything to do with basketball. A basketball court (球场) is where I feel most at home.

As I see it, it's wildly popular in the US and its athletes are extremely recognizable, because it's the one sport where an athlete's face is not covered up by a football helmet (头盔) or baseball hat. My favorite time and place is anywhere and anytime. I prefer indoors, although it can be played outdoors. Many people often play in a driveway at home, but the best is always against someone on a court.

I started playing basketball because of my favorite player, Shaquille O'Neal. He was a huge, unstoppable player. When I was 11 years old, I decided to go outside to the family basketball hoop (球框) and take a shot (投球). This was my first time ever shooting a basketball. I will never forget the first shot I ever took. It was perfect. It felt amazing! And I've been in love with this sport ever since!

I learned a long time ago that very few people are going to have the love of this game that I do. I've always understood that in this area, for the most part, I am alone. Especially coming from the state of Texas, where football is king.

I'm not the best of players. When I do good things on court, I know it's because I can make up for my lack (缺乏) of athleticism by being a student of the game. I've never missed a training day. I don't worry about school, family, or problems. I think about what's in front of me, and how I can get the basketball in the hoop.

Playing, watching, and reading about basketball fills me with a sense of enjoyment that I truly do feel that very few people can match.
