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 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入的空白处的最佳选项。

As a mother of grown children I have come to realize that many things occurred during those child-raising years that I knew nothing about. 

At one gathering, my third child, Shelly, began talking about her 1 She said she had highlights in her hair when she was younger. We believed her because we all 2 that some parts of her hair turned 3 then. For this discovery, she brought her hair color to our 4 . Shelly laughed with us at the memory and then 5 why she hadn't seen any highlights in many years.

A barely hidden 6  broke out from across the room, and we all turned to look at the 7  . My youngest two girls were giggling. 

"Okay, what is so 8 ?" I asked them, my look demanding a(n) 9 . With laughter, they finally shared the 10 of a story that had us all laughing heartily.

One day, the two sisters, along with their two close friends, 11 from seven to ten in age then, decided to set up a 12 . The girls gathered various things from the surrounding forest to combine, attempting to make a new 13 . They gathered pine needles, wild flowers, and whatever they found and 14 them in a pot of water on the stove. Then they decided to put the perfume into a shampoo (洗发香波) bottle, Shelly's shampoo bottle. 15 , they found that the strawberry-colored contents looked obviously different after adding their perfume. Then they decided to put red food coloring. They told us how they 16 Shelly's shower each morning in order to shake up the bottle and mix the color throughout once again 17 she noticed something unusual. They were terrified of the discovery of Shelly's red highlights.

Shelly's face whitened with 18 and then reddened with embarrassment before 19 into humor. "Well, " she said, after a moment, "I guess that 20 it. "
