组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

I had always felt like I didn't fit in the school. My true friends weren't in the crowd of 1 kids in school, either.

Parading before me was "the fun group"—the popular kids—always laughing and whispering(窃窃私语). I wanted to be just like them and wished to be 2 .

Later, my dream came true when I joined a cheer leading team. Immediately, I3  a lot—new hair color, new dressing style and a new group of 4 . Everything I had wanted to be, I was. I was 5  one of the popular kids.

However, the more I was included with the "in crowd", the more confused I became. 6 , these people were far from 7 . They talked behind each other's backs while they 8 to be best friends. They 9 what I was wearing, but they weren't concerned about what my dreams were. I began to feel a sense of loss and 10

Worst of all, I 11  that I was becoming just like them. I decided I had to get my life back in 12  . I concentrated on finding out who my real friends were—the ones who really mattered. I stayed with cheer leading, but I 13  playing with only the popular kids. I found out that my real friends had n ever14  me. They were simply waiting for me. I finally learned that my 15  friends were all I would ever need.
