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Meat, milk, cheese—just some of the things provided by goats. But now we can also add fire safety to this list. Wildfires(make) possible by hot, dry weather conditions as well as a supply of dead vegetation that serves as fuel. We may have limited control over the first factor,we can control the second. Reducing the fuel load lowers the probability of wildfires occurring, as well as the amount of damage(cause). This is where we can turn to goats to provide a (solve) .Goats have a very digestive system. Much vegetation that are toxic(有毒的) to other animals can be eaten by goats. It's not just fully-grown plantsgoats are able to deal with: any seeds that pass through ago at will not grow. Human clearance teams worry about (send) to hard-to-reach vegetation patches(土地)goats don't. They are(skill) mountain climbers and when standing on their legs, can reach up to two meters to eat shrubs and grass that humans would struggle(reach). Because of this, using goats can reduce both workplace accidents and the amount of money spentfire protection measures. Goatherd shave been found to clear some patches of land forthird of the price of human vegetation control teams.
