组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A king wanted to see what his people were really like. So he put on old and dirty clothes and went for a walk. After a while he got tired and1 . When he asked people for food, they laughed and threw 2 at him. They did not know who the poor man was. 

Then the king came to an old house. A poor old man and woman lived there. They asked the king to 3 with them. They didn't know he was a king. They just wanted to 4 a tired, hungry man. The woman made a fire. Then she brought water for the king to drink. While she was doing this, the old man went outside. He 5 some food from the tiny garden. Then he tried to 6 a chicken for supper. But the chicken ran fast, and it made the old man very tired. So he chose some eggs instead.

The woman cooked supper for them. When the food was ready, she put it on the table. The king was given the 7 food they had. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The old man 8 it and saw some neighbors. 

"Great king, forgive (原谅) us," they said. "We threw rocks because we did not recognize (认 出) you." The king shouted9 , "I was tired and hungry. You gave me only rocks and bad words. Get out of here!" 、The poor man and woman were 10 . The king was used to nice food, but they had given him only bread and eggs. The king said, "You gave me the best you had. Because you were kind, I will give money and food to you for the rest of your lives."
