Professional writing isn't easy. As a blogger, journalist or reporter, you have to meet several challenges. You have to keep up with the latest developments and at the same time write timely, interesting and unique content. The same goes for scientists, researchers and analysts and other professionals. With floods of information being published on the web every day, things aren't getting easier.
Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence has a few ways to help with professional writing, among which is smart proofreading.
Software sellers have always tried to help writers by adding proofreading features to their tools. But those efforts can slightly anger someone with more-than-average writing skills. However,thatis changing as AI is getting better at understanding the context and purpose of the written text. One example is Microsoft Word's New Editor Feature, a tool that uses AI to provide more than simple proofreading. Editor can understand slight differences in your article much better than other tools do. It flags not only grammatical errors and style mistakes, but also the use of unnecessarily complex words and overused terms. For instance, it knows when you're using the word "really" to emphasize a point or to raise a question.
It also gives reasons for its decisions and provides smart suggestions when it considers something as incorrect. For example, if it marks a sentence as passive, it will provide a reworded version in active voice.
Editor has been well received by professional writers, though it's still far from perfect. However, AI-powered writing assistance is fast becoming a competitive market. Grammarly, a grammar checker, uses AI to help with all writing tasks on the web. Atomic Reach is another player, which uses machine learning to provide feedback on the readability of written content.