组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

No one was born to be good at languages. However, there are people who learn languages well. Here is some of what good language learners do. It may help you learn more easily.

Don't be afraid to take risks.

A Dutch friend of mine speaks English, Spanish, German, and of course, Dutch. I asked her what she thought was the most important in learning a language. She answered immediately, "Courage." They know that with every mistake, they get a small victory toward improving their language.

When learning something new, do you like talking about it or thinking about it? Or do you get new information in pictures or words? These are just some questions that help you discover how you can learn best.

Be actively involved in (参与) learning.

They know practice is very important and are willing to take risks and appear foolish if necessary. They don't expect to learn English only by sitting in the classroom but look for creative ways to try out what they have learned.

Learning a language means learning the culture where it is spoken as well. Good language learners learn the customs of the important values of the culture. They learn how to act in society. For example, they learn that "How are you?" is just a greeting in English, not a real question.

A. Be good cultural learners.

B. Act as locals do when in different cultures.

C. Find a learning method that suits them.

D. Good language learners create more chances to use the language.

E. Good language learners face the fear of making mistakes.

F. Help language learners learn much better in language learning.
