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Spring Festival is China's biggest and most exciting festival. Its celebration starts from the 23rdor 24th of the 12th lunar(农历) month. People always celebrate it in many traditional ways. Here're some little-known customs. Let's take a look at the following ones.

Little New Year

23rd of the 12th lunar month

A Tight Sleep

3rd day of the first lunar month

Birthday of Humankind

7th day of the first lunar month

On this day, people start to prepare for Lunar New Year celebrations. Little New Year is also called the Festival of the Kitchen God. People belięve that the Kitchen God will return from Earth to heaven on this day to report the things every family have done to the Jade Emperor, including the progress you've made in study over this year. As a result, offering of food, fruits and flowers are placed on the family altar to admire him, praying for the safety and health for family members.

The third day is a day for sleeping in and resting after so much preparation and celebration. Traditionally, people believed the third day is when rats marry off their daughters. Therefore, it is customary to go to bed early in the evening and avoid influencing the rats and preventing any bad luck as well. You can go to bed earlier than your usual school days.

According to legend, the goddess Nyuwa created humans on the seventh day, after she made such animals as chickens, dogs, pigs, cattle and horses. As such, it's considered humankind's birthday. Ancient people would also climb mountains and write poems in honor of the day. It's also advised that parents don't punish their children just like you on this date. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?
