组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

We can see many traffic signs on1 sides of the roads. Some2 the drivers3 to do, others tell them what not to do. The traffic signs are the traffic rules.4 people must obey遵守) the rules and mustn't break违反) them. Each traffic sign5 its meaning. Do you see the sign "P"? Do you know its meaning? In big cities, there are6 cars, trucks and buses. They can't stop on the streets7 any time. If a driver wants to stop his car, he must8 a place for his car — a car stop. A car stop9 a special "hotel" and it's for cars to live in. "P" is the first letter of the word "Park"停车) and it means "You can stop your car here!"10 important to obey the traffic rules.
