If you want to visit Guangzhou, please pay attention to its weather. Guangzhou is a beautiful city in the s of China. Spring comes in March and April. There is much rain lasting for a long time, so the weather becomes warm and w. During this time, tourists should bring umbrellas with them.
Summer lasts from May to September in Guangzhou. It is quite long and hot. Bad weather such as thunderstorms (暴风雨) and typhoons (台风) happens very often.
Autumn is short. It lasts from October to early December. The weather is sunny and cool with little rain. Autumn is the best season of the year. This is the r why many tourists go to Guangzhou.
Winter lasts from December to early March. It is a little cold, but it s snows. January is the coldest month of Guangzhou. Different from cities in North China, Guangzhou becomes a world of flowers in January. You can see flowers in every c of the city.