The Greens like shopping on the Internet. They all think it's easy and fun to shop on the Internet.
Mr. Green likes reading books. He usually buys new books on the Internet. But sometimes he is too busy and has no time to look for books he wants. So his daughter Lucy often helps him to buy books.
Mrs. Green likes beautiful clothes. She always watches new skirts or dresses in clothes shops first and then buys some of them on the Internet. Of course, they are cheap. But sometimes she is upset because many other women wear the same clothes as her!
Lucy likes listening to music. She often buys CDs on the Internet. They are usually cheap. But the only problem(问题) is that some CDs sound(听起来) a little bad.
Eric buys many things on the Internet, from school things to toys. Sometimes his parents think he always spends too much money on shopping!