组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Mom, I'm hungry.


A: I' m looking. There's nothing to eat.

B: Are you sure, Alex?

A: Yes,

B: I went to the market yesterday.

A: I can't see anything.

B: I bought lots of oranges and apples

A: I want hamburgers and hot dogs.

B: Eat the fruit. It's good for you. You need to change your eating habits.

A: But I don't like sports. I don't want to get tired.

B: I remember you made a new year's plan about exercising.

A: Oh, that's right. I planned to play baseball twice a day. But I can't play it now.

B:  Practice makes perfect (熟能生巧).

A: I will try, Morn.

A. I don't want fruit.

B. It's almost empty (空的).

C. Look in the fridge (冰箱).

D. Playing sports is boring.

E. You need to practice it a lot.

F. I want to play baseball once a week.

G. Alex, you also need to exercise every day.
