组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Do you know oil platforms (石油钻井平台)? They pump out (大量生产) oil from under the ocean (海洋). There can be over 100 people living and working on an oil platform.

    The people on oil platforms do a number of different jobs. There are engineers, cooks, doctors, cleaners, etc. But the roughnecks (石油钻井工人) have the hardest job. It's hard, dangerous work.

    There are no weekends on oil platforms. Usually, people work every day for two weeks. Then they go back to land to have two or three weeks off from work.

    The people on oil platforms can play games and watch TV when they don't work or sleep. There's not much space, and you can't just go for a walk.

    Oil platforms are dangerous places. Everyone needs to work carefully.An accident (事故)on the platform Deepwater Horizon in 2010 killed eleven people and a lot of oil went into the ocean.

    After that accident, some people said that oil platforms were just too dangerous.So we still need people to work in these difficult, dangerous places.

A. But the world needs a lot of oil.

B. But accidents can still happen.

C. They are like small towns on the ocean.

D. Sometimes they work twelve hours a day.

E. However, living on an oil platform is not a lot of fun.
