组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Here are the messages Lois took for people in her office.

Message ForMr. Ford     Date (日期)July 2nd

Time12:10 p.m.

()Urgent(紧急的)  (√)Not urgent

()Don't call back   (√) Call back at 545-1245

Message:Mr. Gomez of Big World Bank called. He wants to meet with you tomorrow.

Message ForMs. Lee     DateJuly 2nd

Time12:15 p.m.

(√)Urgent          ()Not urgent

()Don' t call back   (√) Call back at 267-3722

Message:Mr. Hiram needs to cancel (取消) today's meeting. He wants to have it at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.

Message ForMr. Green   DateJuly 2nd

Time12:25 p.m.

()Urgent          (√)Not urgent

(√)Don't call back   ()Call back at 554-2781

Message:Dr. Jee's office called to remind (提醒) about the appointment (预约) on Friday.

Message ForMs. Brown   DateJuly 2nd

Time12:40 p.m.

(√)Urgent         ()Not urgent

(√)Don't call back   ()Call back at 681-7561

Message: Your daughter's school Called. Susie doesn't feel well. Please pick her up.
