组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

ivory, leg, look like, disagree with, hand, snake, six, tall, touch, long

     Once there were six blind (失明的) men. They often heard of elephants, but never knew what they .One morning, when they knew that a man was riding an elephant down the road, they asked the man to stop so that they could "see" it. They thought that by it they could learn what kind of animal it was.

    The first man put his both on the elephant's body. "It is like a wall (墙)," he said.

   The second man only touched the elephant's .It is not like a wall at all" he said "It's more like a spear(矛)

    The third man touched the elephant's  nose. You are not righht" he said. This elephant is like a(n)

    The fourth man touched one of the elephant's "Oh, how blind you are!" he said. "It is round and tall like a tree."

    The fifth man was very  and touched the elephant's ear. "This animal is like a big fan (扇子)," he said.

    The man touched the elephant's tail (尾巴). He said, "The elephant is like a rope."

    They all each other. The elephant" moved on and the six blind men still talked about it……
