组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Oh, the cake is delicious, Taylor!

B: Thank you! I like to bake (烘烤), Ben.

A: I don't bake or cook very often.

B. Me too. Hey, maybe we can have a potluck (百味餐)

A: I like that idea!

B: Yes. Then we can share.

A: I love potlucks!

(Taylor and Ben meet Rob.)

B: Rob, we are having a potluck.

C: Sure, I'd love to. But I have a problem. I am not good at cooking.

B: You Can bring forks (餐叉) and spoons! Those are very important.

C: Thanks, Taylor!

B: Ben is the secretary (秘书). Maybe he's planning it.

A. That's OK.

B. You're welcome!

C. Can you help me cook?

D. Would you like to join us?

E. Who is planning the potluck?

F. But I enjoy other people's food.

G. Everyone can bring something.
