组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    My grandma picks me up after school every weekday. She after me carefully while my parents are at work. Grandma is always interested my homework.

    Today, I had to use the computer to do my homework. First, I looked for information about how ants find food on the Internet. And then I with the information and wrote a report. I thought my report was good and would have a high . Grandma said, “You are really good at using computers. I am of you.” She also told me how computers everything. “The use of computer is great. Computers have even changed the way kids do homework,” she said. Grandma told me that when she was a girl, peopleused computers because most of them didn't have computers.

    “Well, how did you look information?” I asked Grandma. She told me that she to go to the library and read books about the information she needed.

    When my parents come home, I will be excited to tell what Grandma said.
