组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A robot is taking part in a popular TV show in China which tests people's brainpower.The smart AI ( 人工智能) robot,Xiaodu,will challenge humans to recognize faces and voices.

    The TV show Super Brain will spend the whole Season Four on the topic of supercomputers vs.human brains.The AI robot Xiadu built by search engine giant Baidu becomes one of the contestants.Baidu Company first showed off a small version of Xiaodu in 2015.In Super Brain IV,he will complete against four people and other clever computer programs.

    Besides,Xiaodu,Sun Yiting,an eight﹣year﹣old boy with amazing hearing ability also stands on the stage of  the show.He says he can correctly tell the height from which a balloon was dropped by listening to the sound of the balloon landing.Another contestant,Wang Feng,is a memory master who broke the world record for speed memorization of cards in a poker game.

    In the first competition of Super Brain IV,both the humans and Xiaodu will be shown photos of two women when they were four﹣year﹣old babies.Theymust then pick out the right two adults from a lineup of 20 women  who are dressed similarly and have similar haircuts.

    The listening competition is even more difficult.The contestants need to choose the right person from 21 singers as they are all singing together,just according to a three﹣second mp3.

    Baidu is confident that Xiaodu has the ability to do well in this difficult TV test,because the company has paid a huge amount of money for the study of AI robot and supercomputers,as well as speech,image,and facial recognition.In addition,it is not the first time that Chinese AI robot has become a contestant and final winner of a quiz show.Months ago,Wangzai,Sogo's AI robot,beat a Harvard graduate in a Chinese quiz show Yi Zhan Dao Di.All of these make it possible that AI vs.AI will be shown on TV in the future.
