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A. calculate    B.end    C.equal    D. throughout     E.similar

    On March 14, maths and science lovers around the world celebrated a special day: Pi Day.

    Pi is to3. 14, but the number goes on endlessly. It is sometimes written in Greek,π. With the help of computers, mathematicians have been able to  pi out to over trillion (万亿) decimal places, but there is still no to the number. This makes pi puzzling, even for the most famous scientists and mathematicians.

    Pi Day is celebrated around the world on March 14, since how we write this date, 3/14,looks just like the number pi.

    For some people, the appeal (吸引力) of Pi Day goes far beyond maths and science. Pi shows uppopular culture. You can see it in movies, comics, music and more. "In modern movies, any time the filmmaker wants to evoke (产生) a sense of mystery, often the symbol pi is used, "says David Blatner, Jewish American writer of The Joy of Pi.
