组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. contests    B. competing   C. concernts    D. falls    E. reciting

    People also love trying to memorize the digits of pi and  against others to see who can remember the most. Many teachers hold class to see how many numbers their students can memorize. The Guinness World Record for the most digits of pi is held Suresh Kumar Sharma of India, who successfully recited pi out to 70,030 decimal places.

    Above all, Pi is about having fun with the number. People celebrate Pi Day by eating or throwing pie and with pi-related games and activities. This year, Princeton, New Jersey, held a birthday party for Albert Einstein whose birthday also on March 14. There was also a "Walk a Pi Event "where people walked 3.14 miles together. Just like the number itself, the possibilities for Pi Day are truly endless.
