组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Eating your way around the world

Australia: Try a pie floater?

    Feeling hungry? No visit to South Australia is complete without trying the local food-a pie floater. They are traditionally sold at roadside food shops, some of which stay open all night. It is a meat pie floating in a thick green pen soup. Finally, the pie is covered with plenty of bright red tomato ketchup(番茄酱). Enjoy!

Vietnam: Soup for breakfast

The food stands in the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, open early in the morning and stay busy till late at night, selling fast food to hungry passers-by. The most famous dish ispho, a noodle soup with slices of beef or chicken and different vegetables. It's usually eaten for breakfast—-many Vietnamese people say they cannot start the day without this delicious food!

Belgium: Home of French fries

    You can find French fried potatoes all over the world, but as Belgians will tell you, they, not the French, invented this popular street food, back in the 17th century. French fries, eaten from a paper cone are the Belgian's favourite food. The secret of perfect French fries is that they are fried(油炸) twice in hot oil, to give a perfect, golden outside
