组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    In China, you can travel to all corners of this big country by bus or train. It's surprising what China has done in the past ten (year) in terms of train travel – it now has the  (big) high-speed railway network in  world. The high-speed trains are great, and a/lɒŋ/ train journey in China is a great way to see the country.

    China is a huge, fascinating country with so much to see. A a student, I love traveling  my parents, from big cities, to seaside hot spots, to holy mountains, to national parks, to historical sites and to  /smɔ:l/ villages far away. (get) out of your comfortable home here to some unknown places is a good experience as well. And you can eat local food, and (real) reach the heart of the country.

    I always love traveling outside Yibin to see our (beauty) country — China.
