组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Li Hua met a foreigner on his way home. L is for Li Hua; F is for the foreigner.

F: Excuse me. I'm afraid I am lost.  

L: Sure!  Let me see.... You're now here near the bus station the heart of the city.

F: Oh... yes.  

L: Go straight down, and then turn left, go straight, and at the third crossing you'll see it on your right.


L: About thirty minutes' walk. And you can also take the No.1 Bus from this bus station and go 5 stops. You need to get off at People's Park, Renming Gongyuan in Chinese.

F: Okay... Thank you!

L: No problem.... And, you can also ride a shared bike. Do you have AliPay on your phone?

F: Thanks a lot.

L: You're welcome.

A. Well, how can I get to the nearest bookstore from here?

B. If you do, you can go there on the bike.

C. That's all right.

D. Could you tell me where I am on this map?

E. Ten minutes is enough, if the traffic is good.

F. It's my first day in the city.

G. How long will it take to walk there?
