组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    In England, when you're ill, you go to see a doctor near your home.1are men and women, and you can say who you2. You usually only spend about ten minutes3the doctor. He can usually say what's the4very quickly, and often give you a prescription (处方) for some medicine.

    Most people only go to5doctors when they are ill. People with colds don't go to the doctors but to the chemist's shop to buy medicine. Doctors only come to your home when you're very ill. In an emergency (急诊) you can6an ambulance (救护车)at 999.The ambulance takes7to hospital. Friends come to see you8at certain hours of the day, but they don't9there for a long time.

    You don't give money to the doctor10to the hospital when the doctor comes to see you in England. But when you are eighteen years old, you must give money for prescriptions.
