组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

2023年浙江中考冲刺练习:11 单词拼写【短文类】

日期: 2024-05-13

Jack was a great novelist with a younger brother, who was famous for his cooking skills. Few people know about their family(背景). When they were young, they lived in a community, where noises were heard all day long. Their family was so poor that sometimes they even could  not (买得起) to buy daily necessities(日常用品). They did not dare to go (到处), as they had to go without showers for a long time. "It was (令人尴尬的)," Jack said, "to go around with bad smells."

Later, the war(反对,对抗) their neighbouring country happened. They had to move from place to place with their parents. However,( 两者都不) of them failed to teach themselves. Jack liked reading novels, which helped him to get through the hard times. While he was reading, he would(想象) what life would be like in the future. That's probably why he had published a lot of fairy tales, where people enjoy peace and freedom. But his writing style began to change.(最近), he wrote about the suffering that wars brought about to common people.

After the war, both of the brothers settled in the capital. His brother, Peter, became a chef and opened a restaurant there. "As a boy who often went hungry in his childhood", he said (幽默地), "I never thought I would be a chef." Peter had his own secret ingredients of his food. So his restaurant was a great success. On weekends, parents would take their kids there to enjoy a delicious meal. But Jack, who liked to live a(简单的) life, would go to his restaurant and enjoy a freshly cooked pancake.
