组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Would you like to be your own boss someday? Here are a few entrepreneurs who ran with their ideas.

Five years old Martinez loved colorful (袜子)and, with his mother's encouragement, began designing his own. In 2014 the 6 year old and his 8 year old brother formed the (公司). By the time 2022 arrived, the two brother have (卖)almost 1,000,000 worth of products.

Fourteen-year old Riya decided to find a solution to help the (失明的). She invented the Smart Cane to make each user walk on the (街道)safely.

Seven year old Alina came up with the idea for Zollipops, The sugar free candy that can protect (牙齿). Now Zollipops becomes the most (有名的)lollpop in the world.

Do you have an idea that might be helpful to the people? If so you should develop a plan, starting your idea (清晰的). Don't give up if you don't (成功)the first time. After all, it's been said that the great (科学家)Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before finally inventing the light bulb.

If you have an idea, just try to make it!
