组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

    Tom is an eight-year-old boy. Heis sick to deathof school because he doesn't want to do his homework. He is always looking for excuses not to do it. When he has a cold, he tells his morn he is badly ill and he can not do his homework. Though Tom's mom is angry, she doesn't know what to do with him.

    Most of the time, Tom goes to school without finishing his homework. Even though he finishes his homework, he usually does it very carelessly.

    One Thursday evening, Tom told his morn that he couldn't do his homework because he was having a fever. After his morn took his temperature, she realized that Tom didn't tell the truth. So he had to do his homework. To his mom's surprise, the light in Tom's bedroom was still on at midnight. His morn opened the door quietly and found Tom was already asleep. His homework was only half done.

    The next evening, Tom went back home from school, his morn asked, "Did your teacher punish you today? I know you didn't finish your homework last night."

    "No, mom," Tom answered.

    "How did you make it?" his mom asked him. "What did you say to the teacher?"

    "I told my teacher that an accident happened to me this morning."

    "What?" Tom's morn looked at him with eyes wide.

    "The school bus fell into the pool on my way to school," Tom said, "I climbed out of the pool, but my homework didn't climb out of the pool."

    "But you didn't take the school bus!" Tom's morn said.

    "Of course, I didn't," Tom said. "But my teacher didn't know that.


    In English, people use many expressions(表达) with the word "dog". People in the west love their dogs and treat them well. Dogs without owners to care for them lead a very different kind of life: The expression' to lead a dog's life" means living an unhappy life.

    Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. That means many people are competing the same things, like good jobs. They say if a person wants to be successful he has to work like a dog. This means they have to work very hard. Such hard work can make people dog-tired. And, this situation would be even worse if they became ill as a dog.

    Sometimes we should let a sleeping dog lie, which means we'd better not trouble a person who may cause problems. And if someone says you are a lucky dog, he is just saying you're very lucky.

    Still, people say every dog has its day. This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life. To be successful, people Often have to learn new skills(技能) . Yet, some people say that it's always impossible to teach an old dog new skills. They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.

    There are also some other dog expressions. The dog days of summer are the hottest of the year. A rain in summer may cool the weather. But we do not want to have a very heavy rain. In other words, we do not want it to rain cats and dogs.


Different expressions on dog



to lead a dog's life

This means riving an unhappy life.

a dog-eat-dog world

A situation that people are competing for the same things


work like a dog

It means you are very .


Hard work makes people very tired.



a lucky dog

This means you are very lucky

Every dog has its day

Everyone will have good luck or success some day in their fives.

teach an old dog new skills

You  make old people change their ways.


the  dog  day  of


It happens during the hottest part of the season.

rain cats and dogs

This means it rains .
