组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-04

    Mia nervously extended her small hand towards the miniature(纤小的)horse in front or her. As her palm gently touched its soft nose, she looked at me happily. Her bright blue eyes 1 with joy.

    For children with 2, actions such as making friends and joining in activities can be3. As the leader of the Miniature Horse Project, I 4 to disabled children in my community and 5 them to join this project. Once a child joins, I 6 instruct them how to feed and care for the miniature horses. Not only does this 7 disabled children with a fun activity, but my instruction also allows them to build much more 8 at school or when they are making friends.

    I have taught many disabled children, but Mia is 9to me. What she suffers makes her feel hard to 10. Due to this, she hardly spoke at the beginning of our training, 11 just watched nervously as 1 explained basic horse care to her. Her mother told me that Mia had 12 behavior at school: she was shy, and watched her classmates play instead of joining them.

    I worked to help Mia 13 her shyness. Although she was nervous, I had her feed and clean the miniature horses 14. Then I asked her to 15 the horses with me around the farm and to smile at everyone she 16. Soon, she became active and 17 in caring for the horses without my help. She now loves to play with her classmates.

    However, I did not just influence Mia, and she 18 me as well. She showed me that any 19 can be overcome with dedication(热忱). Each time I see Mia, she hugs me 20. Although she cannot say it, her happy face and bright eyes tell me, "Thank you."


    The Frick Collection (5th Avenue and E. 70th Street)

    Many art lovers would rather visit this small art gallery than any other in New York. Henry Clay Frick, a rich New Yorker, died in 1919, leaving his house, furniture and art collections to American people. Frick had a preference for pre­twentieth century Western paintings, and these are well­represented in this excellent collection. You can also explore Frick's beautiful house and garden which are well worth a visit

    Guggenheim Museum (5th Avenue and 88th Street)

    This museum owns 5,000 excellent modern paintings, sculptures and drawings. These art works are not all displayed at the same time. The exhibition is always changing. It will appeal to those who love Impressionist and Post­Impressionist paintings. The Guggenheim Museum building is also world­famous. The best way to see the paintings is to start from the top floor and walk down to the bottom. There are no stairs, just a circular(环形的) path.

    Metropolitan Museum of Art (5th Avenue and 82nd Street)

    The reputation of this museum lies in the variety of its art collection. This covers more than 5,000 years of civilization from many parts of the world. The museum displays more than just the visual delights of art. It introduces you in ancient ways of living. You can visit an Egyptian temple, a fragrant Ming garden, a typical room in an 18th century French house and many other special exhibitions.

    Whitney Museum of American Art (945 Madsion Avenue, near 75th Street)

    The Whitney holds an excellent collection or contemporary American paintings and sculptures. There are no permanent displays in this museum and exhibitions change all the time. Every two years, the Whitney holds a special exhibition of new art by living artists. The museum also shows videos and films by contemporary video artists.


    At the age of seven, while his friends were spending their allowances on candy and toys, Jose Adolfo Quisocola, Peru, came up with the creative idea of an eco­bank which allows kids of all ages to become economically independent and financially wise while helping the environment.

    Established in 2012, The Bartselana Student Bank is the world's first cooperative bank for kids. Whoever wants to join has to bring in at least 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of solid waste (paper or plastic) and establish a savings goal. Once accepted, all bank "partners" are required to deposit at least one additional kilogram (2* 2 pounds) of recydables on a monthly basis and obey other requirements, such as attending financial education and environmental management workshops. The waste accumulated is sold to local recycling companies, who, thanks to some clever negotiation by Jose, pay a higher­than­market rate for everything brought in by Bartselana Student Bank members. The funds received are placed in the individual's account where they collect until his/her savings goal is reached. The account holder can then withdraw his/her money, or choose to leave it and continue to grow for a bigger target.

    "At the beginning, my teachers thought I was crazy or that a child could not undertake this type of project," Jose recalls. "They did not understand that we are not the future of the country but its present. Luckily, I had the support of the school principal and an assistant in my classroom."

    The youngster's persistence paid off. Today, the eco­bank, which now has the support of several local institutions, has ten educational centers and begins accepting applications from kids all across Peru. On November 20, 2018, the young boy was awarded the famous Children's Climate Prize (CCP). "Jose's eco­bank is a brilliant way of linking economy and climate impact, both in thought and practice. The potential impact is amazing", a judge said.

    Hopefully, Jose's success will inspire more kids and adults to come up with new ideas that create value while helping the environment. As the boy says, "Together we can change the world, we just need an opportunity."


    Hacking isn't just for computers and smart phones. According to a study, scientists have found a way to hack a plant's genes in order to make it use sunlight more quickly. Someday, the results could increase the number of food produced around the world.

    Scientists used tobacco plants in the study because it is easy to change the plants' genes. Hacked plants are larger than normal plants.

    Photosynthesis is the word used to describe how plants use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make their own food. Scientists say this is a very slow process. Plants use less than 1 percent of the energy. But by hacking a plant's genes, the scientists were able to increase the amount of leaf growth on plants between 14 and 20 percent. Scientists hacked the plant's protective system. Normally, this system starts when a plant gets too much sunlight. When the plant senses the light, it creates more leaves. When the plant is in shade, the protective system is turned off. But the process is slow.

    The new study sped up the process by changing the plant's genes, the protective system turned on and off more quickly than normal. As a result, leaf growth on the plants scientists used in the study increased. Leaf growth on two plants increased by 20 percent, while leaf growth on a third plant increased by 14 percent. Scientists conducted the study on tobacco plants. But they think the genetic changes would produce the same results in corn and rice.

    Agriculture professor Tala Awanda said the study makes sense, but cautioned the yield(产量)might not be quite so high for conventional food crops. Still, she added in an email, "this study remains a breakthrough,"


    Being attractive isn't usually considered much of a disadvantage in today's world. Actually, there is the endless potential benefit about it, but researchers have found one area that being pretty makes life a challenge securing yourself a boring, low­paying job.

    This stands in contrast to a large body of research that attractiveness, in general, helps candidates in the selection process. For the most part good looks is a blessing. We treat pretty people more favorably in general, often vote for them more in elections, and pay them more in their professions. The research suggests that attractive people may be discriminated against in selection for relatively less desirable jobs.

    Researchers carried out four experiments involving more than 750 participants, including university students and managers who make hiring decisions in the real world. Participants were shown photos of two potential job candidates, one attractive and the other unattractive. Participants were then asked a series of questions designed to measure their opinions of the job candidates and whether they would hire these candidates for a less­than­desirable job.

    The less desirable jobs included a warehouse worker, housekeeper, customer service representative and the more desirable jobs included things like a manager, project director, IT elite(精英). In all experiments where they were asked, participants were significantly less likely to hire the attractive candidate for the less desirable job and more likely to hire the attractive candidate for the more desirable job.

    Ms Lee said, "In the selection decision for an undesirable job, decision makers were more likely to choose the unattractive individual over the attractive individual. Co­author Dr Madan Pillutla said, "It is interesting that decision makers consider others' opinions in their decisions. They thought that attractive individuals would want better outcomes, and therefore would be less satisfied, so they favored unattractive candidates when selecting for a less desirable job."

    The research also suggests the established view that attractive candidates are favored when applying for jobs might be limited to high­level jobs.


    At the age of forty­five, my usually well­ordered life became full of changes. After twenty­two years of working in a bank, a plan to use less staff led to the unemployment of over one hundred people. Unluckily, I was one of them.

    My once secure future became uncertain. However, I was not a single parent, so the family did not depend only on my income and my husband can support the family. My motto has always been, "Change is good; change is progress", but when it affected my livelihood, I had to change it. "Accept change and make the most of it." From the beginning, I chose to look at this matter not as bad luck, but as a welcome chance. I refused to become sorry; instead, I actively planned to do something new and different.

    Having a positive attitude made all the difference in the way I pursued the future. First, I decided to return to college and graduate many years later than I should have. Doing this at my age took more than a little courage. Not being a graduate had never held me back in my career in the bank, but now it's a personal goal I longed to achieve. With a lot of determination, I went to evening classes and became an adult student. In the class, I became more and more confident. During this time, I realized that no matter what life throws in our way, nothing canhinderour personal growth.

    The second thing I did to improve my inner self was to reevaluate my past life. It used to be filled with endless, and sometimes meaningless events. But now, my heart and life are completely around people I care for.

    The loss of my job led to some positive changes in my life. Revisiting the past made room for the future. I realize that I have accepted the change, and am making the most of it.
