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日期: 2024-09-28

    With all the recent concern about the environment, people want to see their money used to better the planet. Here are four well-known environmental organizations.

    World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

    The World Wildlife Fund is perhaps one of the best-known organizations for the protection of endangered species and their habitats around the world. They've been around for over 45 years. You can donate through their website worldwildlife.org, join their organization as a member, or adopt an animal through their online adoption center.

    National Geographic Society (NGS)

    National Geographic Society is well-known for their magazine and their specials on TV. The organization itself is one of the longest-running in the world—they've been around since 1888, focus on exploration and conservation of forests, oceans, habitats, species and societies. You chopse to donate through the website nationalgeographic.com,buy something at their online store, or order a magazine subscription.

    National Wildlife Federation (NWF)

Founded officially in 1937, the National Wildlife Federation tries to protect wildlife at all costs. In fact, they believe that having the public educated is the best way to help the environment—the more you know, the more you can protect the world we live in. Donations to the NWF can be made through their websitenwf. org or through other options, like matching gifts, workplace giving, or memorial donations.

    Ecology Fund, com

    Set up in 1976,Ecology Fund, com is run on user clicks. Advertisers buy ad space on the site every time someone clicks. The money goes to buy endangered wilderness land to protect it from companies that would destroy it. So far, Ecology Fund, com has bought land in many areas. The best thing about this site is that you needn't donate any money—all you have to do is click.


    Imagine someone who has spent the majority of their life sitting with a sign on the side of the road and that very person giving someone their last 20 dollars. That's exactly what Marine Corps veteran (退伍军人) Johnny Bobbitt, 34, did in October in Philadelphia.

    Bobbitt served in the U.S. Marine Corps and worked as a paramedic (医务辅助人员) in Vance County, N. C. before he became homeless. Nobody knew how he got to where he was because he wasdiscreetabout that.

    One night in October, Bobbitt was sitting roadside with a sign in Philadelphia as usual, when Kate McClure of Florence Township, N. J. was driving home down Interstate 95 and ran out of gas. Scared and nervous, she got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station. As McClure was heading to the nearest gas station, she ran into Bobbitt and he told her to get back in the vehicle and lock the door. Minutes later, he appeared with a red gas can. He'd used his last $20 to buy her gas.

    After that unexpected meeting, McClure and her boyfriend, Mark D'Amico, who both live in New Jersey, visited Bobbitt several times to deliver gift cards, cash, snacks and toiletries. They then decided to create a fund raising page so he wouldn't have to spend the holidays sleeping on the street.

    McClure started the GoFundMe page on November 10. With the page, the couple hoped to raise $10,000, enough money for his rent, a reliable vehicle and up to six months' expenses. Bobbitt's story ran in a local paper. By November 15,more than 10,000 local people had made donations through the GoFundMe page and more than $300,000 had been raised.

    On Thanksgiving, Bobbitt was resting in a hotel, his feet up on the bed, drawing up a grand plan for his new life, thanks to several thousand dollars raised to repay him for a good deed.


    City trees grow faster and die younger than trees in rural forestry, a new study finds. Over their lifetimes, then, urban trees will likely absorb less CO2 from the air than forest trees.

    As we all know, the earth would be freezing or burning hot without CO2. However, CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps energy from the sun as/heat. That makes temperatures near the ground rise. Human activities, especially the widespread burning-of fossil(化石)fuels, have been sending extra greenhouse gases into the air. This has led to a rise in average temperatures across the globe.

    Studies had shown forests readily absorb CO2, but there hadn't been much data on whether city trees grow, die and absorb CO2 at the same rate as forest trees do. So some researchers decided to find out.

    To figure out how quickly trees were growing, researchers tracked their diameters (the width of their trunks) between 2005 and 2014. A tree's diameter increases as it grows, just as a person's waist size increases as they gain weight. About half the weight of a tree is carbon, research has shown. Most of the rest is water. Over the nine years' tracking, the researchers found city trees absorbed four times as much carbon from the air as forest trees. However, they were twice as likely to die. So over the lifetime of each type of tree, forest trees actually absorbed more CO2.

    City trees grew faster because they had less competition for light from their neighbors. In a forest,trees tend to grow close together,shading their neighbors. Street trees also benefit from higher levels of nitrogen (氮)in rainwater. Nitrogen helps plants grow. Waste gases from gas-burning cars also contain nitrogen, thus enriching city air with nitrogen. Later, rainwater may wash much of it to the ground. Some street trees may also have better access to water than trees in the country because the underground water pipes can leak.


    Do you know that junk food isn't healthy? Of course you do! Do you eat it anyway? Of course you do! But a new study shows teaching adolescents about the ways food companies fool them into thinking junk food is cool can encourage kids to fight back—by eating healthier.

    The pull of junk food can be super-strong. It's designed to tasty; which makes eating well one of the great health challenges of our time. Everyone from doctors to the government has been trying to handle it. Yet we keep eating junk food.

    Professor Christopher Bryan says, "Food companies want you to want junk food." They spend millions of dollars coming up with new ways to^ promote junk food consumption. They hire scientists to make new junk food almost irresistible. They might do this, for example, by adding more sugar. Rats fed junk food for six weeks will even walk across a floor that gives them electric shocks just to get more of such food.

    Food ads often make unhealthy junk food seem healthy by featuring professional athletes, fit-looking pop stars and smiling, active teens. "We thought when the students learned this, it would matter to them," Bryan says. He worked with 8th graders at a Texas school. Half of them got a lesson Bryan created. It focused on the ways junk food is advertised, or marketed. A second group received lessons that focused on health. These lessons informed students junk food is had, and that foods like apples or carrots are a better choice. The students learned a bad diet can lead to major weight gain, and that being overweight puts people at risk for serious diseases. They also learned how eating well now can keep you healthy when you're older.

    After the lessons, the kids in both groups were asked how they felt about junk food. Most didn't have positive feelings about these unhealthy foods.


HungerIs Good for You

   Hungeris a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food. It isaccompanied by the desire to eat.

   You eatwhen you feel hungry. It's this feeding process that has led to some of themany health problems we're experiencing today. Food timing, portion (份量), and quality contribute to weightgain. You see, the body loves predictability. That's why an eating schedule isnecessary for weight loss.

    Thinkof a newborn baby. It breastfeeds every 3 to 4 hours around the clock. That's aperfect example of structured eating. Unfortunately, despite having a3-meal-a-day eating format, not everyone sticks to this. If you decide to loseweight, it's necessary for you to add stru6_e to your eating habits—eat allmeals and snacks at the same time every day similar to a newborn baby.

   As yourbody begins adapting to the new structure, you'll experience hunger pains. Instead, wait it out, stick to yourschedule and let the body adapt. You'11 be pleasantly surprised to noticehunger disappearing over 2 to 5 days.

   Wheredoes hunger go? During the 2 to 5 days, hunger readjusts and it gets easier toplan. If you give in during the readjustment period, you'll be stuck at alwaysbeing hungry, losing weight.

   Creatingthe eating schedule will work wonders food. However, 80% of your weight loss.

A.Do remember not to panic.

B.Exercising is good as well.

C.What is an eating schedule?

D  Proper eating helps with your health.

E. What's the easiest way to control hunger?

F. It loves predicting perfectly portioned, well-timed meals.

G. However, short-term hunger is great, especially if you're trying to lose weight.


    Letting me move into my university dormitory wasn't an easy decision for my parents. However, they knew if I wanted a good 1, I'd have to live away from home. I'd always 2 living alone the life of no rules and regulations and being independent. So I was3about this new stage in my life.

    4, during the first few months of living alone,I'd find myself crying every day. I'd call my mum every day. I 5 to fly back home as soon as I got any time off. That was the only thing I was 6 about. Coming from a big family, I was 7 to noises surrounding me. Therefore, the scary 8 at night was the worst. I couldn't even 9without keeping the lights on.

    As time went by, I started enjoying the10 that came with living alone. I could do things in my own time: eat whenever I want, wake up whenever I want. The space of loneliness was also then 11 by friends who became like family, so I 12 missing my family less.

    When it was time to say goodbye and go back home after my 13 I was bittersweet. I'd 14 my time alone, learning things which wouldn't have been 15 if I had moved away from home. But I'd also missed my family too much.

    I'd learned a lot from this 16. Living alone made me value 17time even more. I realized that every second with them 18though I might not get the freedom I had while living alone.

    I guess it's 19 for everybody, but for me, there is no warmth in a house 20 it's filled with loving members and people you love.
