组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-03

    The word photography was first used in 1839. However, at that time the subject (被拍对象) had to keepstillwhile a picture of it was taken. Few people had ever tried to take photos of moving subjects. The first man to do so was Eadweard Muybridge, a world-famous photographer. He created the first moving picture.

    When a horse is running, do all four hooves (蹄)ever leave the ground at the same time? That was the bet that a gentleman called Leland Stanford had with some of his friends. Most people believed that a horse always had one hoof on the ground, but Stanford didn't think: so. Because a horse's legs are moving so fast, it's impossible to tell just by looking. Stanford needed a way to record the movement of a running horse. In 1872, Leland Stanford offered Eadweard Muybridge $25,000 to find the answer. Muybridge had no idea if he could successfully set up and perform an experiment to settle (解决) the bet, but he thought he should give it a try.

    In 1878, after years of experiments, Muybridge got what he wanted. He had a sequence (连续) of 12 images (图像), and one of them clearly showed all four of the horse's hooves were off the ground at the same time. In the end Muybridge collected his well-earned $25,000 from Stanford.

    Though Thomas Edison is usually considered as the person who created the first cine-camera (电影摄影机) in 1889, it was the work of Eadweard Muybridge and the bet that led to Edison's invention.


Why Should We Learn Body Language

    In English classes, we spend a large amount of time studying grammar and learning new words. We work hard to improve our reading and listening skills. Few of us, however, pay enough attention to body language. So body language is not important, is it?

    The answer is, "Yes!" As the old saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words." Sometimes, we can communicate things even without a single word. For example, shrug our shoulders (耸肩), and, without a word, we've just said, "I don't know."

    Body language can help us stress what we are saying. It can help us express our true, inner feelings. Moreover, body language can help us find out if someone is lying. Often, people who are lying do not make eye contact (接触). They may turn away or raise their shoulders because they are uncomfortable with the conversation.

    In job interviews, the interviewers can sometimes judge the interviewee before he or she speaks. Body language is important in our personal lives, too. It can show if you really care about your friends. Leaning forward into the conversation, for example, means you are interested in what is being said. Listening without making eye contact means you are not paying attention but are waiting for your turn to speak.

    Scientists have been studying body language for a long time. They say more than 70 percent of our messages are delivered (递送)through body language. Sometimes, body language is more accurate (精准的) than the words we use.

    So it is very important for us to learn body language. By understanding body language, we are less likely to be misunderstood. We will find it easier to get a job. We will also have lasting friendships.


    When the two brothers were old enough to marry, their father was not happy because their family wasn't so rich that the brothers often argued with each other about some small interest and he really didn't know how they would quarrel when they broke up the family and lived apart.

    One day, their father was sick, lying in bed and staring at nothing, when the elder son came over to wish him good health. His father said,” Ask your brothers to come here, and I have something to say.”

    The younger brother arrived. Their father sat up and said, "I don't know how the disease(疾病)hit. I'm feeling terribly unwell." The brothers persuaded(劝说)their father not to worry about it ,but he shook his head," In fact I don't worry about this disease because I manage it ,but if youare in discordwith each other in the future, it will be our family's 'disease' and no one can deal with it ."The brothers felt ashamed.

    The father got out of the bed, pointed to some chickens in the yard and said," Look at them sitting there in peace with each other, isn't it good?" Then their father brought out a bowl of corns, went quietly behind the house and spread most of them on the ground. Then he went back to the yard with only a few corns left and flung at (扔向)the chickens. As soon as they saw the corns, the chickens jumped up, quacked their wings and fought for it .The peaceful world was now filled with" smoke of gunpowder" for some coins.

    The brothers smiled and understood what their father was driving at.

    Their father added," Both of you saw more corns are behind the house…"

    Actually, aren't many troubles in life because God scattered(撒)some corns before us?
