组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05

    Mid-Atlantic Appalachians Backpacking&Environmental Service Leaders

Are you ready to take a journey that will change your life? You won't look at day-to-day drama the same way after you've reached the top of a high mountain. Joining the journey changes you. Your crew, your instructor, and your adventures will have a lasting impact(影响)on you as you rise to meet thrilling natural challenges in some of the country's wildest places.

    __________:Learn and practice wilderness, teamwork and leadership skills. Find connections with your crewmates based on support and respect (and fun too), and in the thick of challenges, discover there is more in you than you know.

    Value strengths and strengthen values: Uncover your unique character strengths, develop your leadership abilities and learn how to let compassion(同情心)in to everyday life by pushing your own limits and working alongside those of your age.

    Show mastery: As you gain confidence in new skills, take on more decision-making responsibilities. Work together to achieve team goals, solve problems and succeed both as individuals and as a group.

    What you'll learn: For high school students, the opportunities to carry more weight and make impactful decisions with accompanying consequences fills the journey as you go through numerous trials and victories. It's all about independence.  

    After you come home, many of the character, leadership and service traits(特征)you uncovered on your journey stay with you, helping you plan and direct your daily life with more success.

START DATE:07/06/2020                END DATE:08/08/2020

AGE RANGE:16-18                 COST:$3, 674(Life insurance is optional. )

Apply now


    In this special school, Lisa Elder doesn't have a lesson plan or an attendance book. She does have her walkie-talkie(对讲机). When the hallways are secure and the teachers ready, the call comes over the radio: Students are on their way up.

    Three teens, two boys and one girl, entered Elder's classroom. "Why don't you guys have a seat and I'll tell you what we're doing, "she tells them.

    Today, they're going to cut out leaves from construction paper and write life skills on them:

    "Patience. ""Hygiene(卫生)."

    Then, Lisa notices a boy named Brandon. He's hunched(躬身)over his desk and he's got his fist against his chest-it's shaking. Lisa tries talking to him but gets no response.

    It doesn't look like anything to me: just a boy who's not participating in class. But Elder has seen this behavior in his file, and she knows it's a warning sign.

    She radios for backup:" Could I have a youth worker up in life skills?"

    By the time the youth worker comes in, Brandon has turned his desk to face the back wall,   and he's getting more and moreagitated. He's still not responding.

    "OK," she tells him. "Here are the choices: If you want to stay in my classroom and participate, I would love you to. I will do anything I can to help you. But if all you're going to do is turn your back and avoid everything people are asking of you, then I'm going to have you brought down to the office."

    She pauses for a moment. "I would like you to make the better choice and stay with me."

    That's not the choice Brandon makes. It's becoming clear: He could lose control at any moment.

    Elder leaves the room, 20 minutes before class is over. As we walk down to the residential unit, she tells me, "So when I tell you that I don't know what the day is going to bring, that's a perfect example."


    A decade ago, at the end of my first semester teaching at Wharton, a student stopped by for office hours. He sat down and burst into tears. My mind started cycling through a list of events that could make a college junior cry: His girlfriend had left him; he had been accused of plagiarism(剽窃). "I just got my first A-minus, "he said, his voice shaking.

    Year after year, I watch in dismay(郁网) as students go all for straight A's. Some sacrifice their health; a few have even tried to sue(控告)their school after falling short. All hold the belief that top marks are a ticket to best graduate schools and high-paying job offers.

    I was one of them. I started college with the goal of graduating with a 4. 0. It would be a reflection of my brainpower and willpower, revealing that I had the right stuff to succeed. But I was wrong.

    The evidence is clear: Academic excellence is not a strong predictor of career excellence. Across industries, research shows that the connection between grades and job performance is modest in the first year after college and unimportant within a handful of years. For example, at Google, once employees are two or three years out of college, their grades have no bearing on their performance. (Of course, it must be said that if you got D's, you probably didn't end up at Google.)

    In a classic 1962 study, a team of psychologists tracked down America's most creative architects and compared them with their technically skilled but less original matches. One of the factors that distinguished the creative architects was a record of grades. "In college our creative architects earned about a B average, "Donald MacKinnon wrote. "In work and courses which caught their interest they could turn in an A performance, but in courses that failed to strike their imagination, they were quite willing to do no work at all. "

    This might explain why Steve Jobs finished high school with a 2. 65 G. P. A. , J. K. Rowling graduated from the University of Exeter with roughly a C average, and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. got only one A in his four years at Morehouse.


    Language expresses our identity and reflects who we are, and who we want to be. Every time we speak, we give listeners information about ourselves and where we're from. When we travel around the United States we often hear people ask: Oh, are you from New York/Chicago/Texas? Their guesses might be based on our phonology(also called accent)or on our choice of particular vocabulary.

    Interestingly, many of us consider our way of speaking to be neutral(无倾向性的). It's hard for us to hear features of our own speech that might be obvious to people who speak other dialects(方言). Language experts use the term dialect to mean" a variety shared by a group of speakers". Bus drivers, teachers, your neighbors, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and you(whether you know it or not)speak a dialect, too.

    And why? The answer depends on who you are and where you live. We all recognize that some language sounds pleasant or correct or cool to us-and some sounds" uneducated" or just plain bad.

    Learning what we feel about language is important to society for a number of reasons. Often, children who speak non-standard dialects may be inaccurately classified as" not knowing much English "or even" having a speech defect(缺陷)", with terrible consequences for them. Or people who regularly mix words or phrases from more than one language within sentences are thought to be unable to speak the languages very well. (But usually the opposite is true.)

    Studying language helps us learn about the remarkable resources of the human brain. It also helps us examine a form of social stereotyping we may not have been aware existed.

A. There are also many other reasons.

B. Or at least, where are you from?

C. It helps us learn more about social organization.

D. Clearly, they know everything about us.

E. With so many dialects, which one is the best?

F. By this definition, everyone speaks a dialect.

G. But one person's thumbs down is another's thumbs up.

语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分 15分)