组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

Kids need to be active for at least 60 minutes a day. There is no need to let weather stop your kids from the activities they need. There are still lots of great activities you can do to get them moving and have fun as a family.

► Hop (单脚跳行)about

One player is the" hop leader" while all the others have three lives. The hop leader picks a magic word. Every time he or she says it, all players must hop three times. Each time they miss it, they lose a life.

►Hot potato

Tool needed: a ball

One person stands with his or her back to the circle which is made by other players. They pass the" potato" from person to person. When the player outside the circle shouts" Stop!", the person holding the" potato" is out.

►Music statues (塑像)

Tool needed:a music player

Pick a game leader to turn on or off the music. He or she plays the music while everyone else dances. When the music stops, everyone must stop. The last person to completely stop is out. Anyone who is moving when the music is not playing is also out.

► Catch don't catch

Tool needed:a ball

Players stand in a circle with their arms crossed. One person in the center throws the ball to someone in the circle. If the person in the center says "Catch!", the player should not catch the ball and must not move his or her arms. If the person in the center says" Don't catch!", the player should catch the ball. If a player does the wrong thing, he or she is out.

For more information, please search Change 4 Life. Millions of families have already made healthier changes. You can, too.


Imagine yourself in a test situation. You are sitting there hesitating between two choices﹣A or C.

Your instincts tell you that A is right but you think that C makes more sense. When you get your paper back you find out that A was correct and you regret not picking it, and you think, "I should have followed my instincts(本能).

Most of the time we think our instincts are not as reliable as facts but scientists have just discovered that our instincts are surprisingly powerful tools, according to the study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Instincts don't come out of nowhere. When we make decisions, we weigh up the strengths and weaknesses of each choice. But when we make our choices based on our instincts, we actually go through the same process without realizing it. "A lot of our decision﹣making and a lot of our feeling are based on things that we're not really aware of, "said Sarah Moore, professor in University of Alberta, Canada.

In order to find out how accurate people's instinct can be, Professor Marius Usher of Tel Aviv University in Israel and his team designed an experiment to test it.

In the experiment, people who were shown pairs of numbers on a computer screen, two pairs at a time. They were then asked to choose which of the two pairs of numbers had the highest average. But the fact is that the numbers changed so quickly that they were unable to memorize the numbers or do the math. They had to depend only on their instincts to make decisions.

Scientists found something amazing as the experiment went on﹣the people's accuracy increased when they were shown more pairs of numbers. When shown six pairs of numbers the people chose correctly 65 percent of the time. But when they were shown 24 pairs the accuracy rate grew to about 90 percent.

"Intuitively, the human brain is able to take in many pieces of information and decide on an overall value" said Usher.

Next time, when you are having a difficult time making decisions simply follow your instincts.

There is a good chance that they will help you make the right choice.


When she was 16, Joanne Loewensterm learned that her parents weren't her birth parents. She was also told that her birth mother was a woman named Lillian Feinsilver and she had died days after giving birth to her in New York. Feeling sad and doubtful, Joanne spent nights crying, wondering what her birth mother had been like. And yet, some part of her believed her mother was still alive. The doubts troubled Joanne for years.

Shelley, Joanne's daughter in﹣law, suggested taking a DNA test to find her birth family. That was in 2017, and Joanne was 79 years old. Joanne took the test, and about a year later Shelley received a message from a man named Sam Ciminieri , whose genetic report had matched him with Joanne.

Shelley immediately wrote back to Sam, asking whether he knew a Lillian Feinsilver." Yes," Sam said," that's my mother's name." Almost unbelievably, she was alive, at age 100 ﹣Joanne had been right all along.

But there were more shocks to come. Sam said that Lillian lived in an assisted﹣living facility in Port St. Lucie, Florida. Joanne lived in Boca Raton, more than 80 miles away.

The families quickly planned a reunion at the facility. A month later, Joanne found herself sitting across from the mother she had searched for her whole life. Lillian, who has dementia(痴呆) , was silent in a wheelchair.

"I don't know if she recognizes me, "Joanne said.

Joanne said to Lilian that she'd been told her birth mother had passed away. No expressions on Lillian's face, Joanne started to cry. At that point Lillian's eyes brightened. Joanne excitedly began telling Lillian all about her family. Lillian smiled. Then she said the words Joanne had waited more than 60 years to hear:

"This is my daughter."

Joanne learned that over the years, Lillian had repeatedly told her family that she" lost her daughter". Everyone, including Lillian, believed that the baby had died.

The two women spent that first afternoon together joyfully. "I'm proud," Joanne said. "This is something I wanted to do all my life."


    Her life looks like one straight out of a fairy tale. Li Ziqi impresses millions with her videos. The things she made are from dyeing a dress with fresh grape juice to fashioning traditional lipstick, from roses in her garden to searching on horseback in order to prepare one pretty meal after another.

    She has some 50 million fans in China and another 8 million overseas.

    So she remains a mystery to many of the fans. But now, she's ready to open up to us.

    To find Li, we had to travel to rural Sichuan Province in southwestern China. Li grew up with her grandparents here. In 2012, she decided to return to the countryside to take care of her grandmother.

    She started filming her life there in 2016. The dishes she prepares range from a single condiment to detailed multi﹣course meals. But whatever she makes, she leaves no stone unturned, going as far as raising baby ducklings just to make a sauce out of salted duck eggs.

    Apart from food, she's also known for her videos presenting traditional crafts, like building this bamboo furniture set.

    Li's videos have attracted a lot of young people's attention in China's big cities. But some viewers have been doubting the truth of her videos and her life.

    Li says she now works with one videographer and one assistant, but she's still the one calling the shots. But today, three years after she first picked up the camera, Li is one of China's most successful online video makers.

A. She doesn't speak in her videos and she seldom gives interviews.

B. She says that was inspired by one of her grandfather's old benches.

C. In her videos, she makes seemingly everything with her own two hands.

D. We couldn't clear these doubts because we weren't allowed to see Li filming.

E. When she turned 14, Li went to work in the city because of the poor condition.
