组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

备战2021年中考英语专题复习——单词拼写 卷三(真题)

日期: 2024-07-04

    Have you ever heard the saying, "Home, sweet home'? This is just another way of saying that it's n to be home! A lot of the people and things we love are at home.

    What do you like about being at home?

    What do you like best about being at home? Maybe you like to play with your brothers and sisters. Maybe you e staying with your mum and dad. Maybe you have a pet you like to play with. Spending time with your family is one thing that makes being at home special.

    Your bedroom is a thing that makes home special. Your toys, your books, and your favourite things are in your bedroom. Consider what you like best about your room. Is it how it looks? Is it your comfortable b that you sleep on? Maybe you like to have a q place to read a book or to think about your day.

    Mealtime can be a special time at home. Families sit around the table to eat the food Mum or Dad has prepared. It's a time to share interesting s about your day.

    How do you help at home?

    There are a lot of things to do to make home a special place. Who does the chores (家庭杂务) l cleaning, cooking, and yardwork (庭院劳动) at your house? When families work t to do the chores, it makes them easier and more fun for everyone. Maybe you can h lay the dinner table or clear the places. Maybe you can pull weeds (草) out of the flower garden. Maybe you can water the vegetable garden or the houseplants. Think about what you can do, so that w you come home every day, you can say, "Home, sweet home!"


    Everyone knows that second-hand smoke is as dangerous as first-hand smoke. But have you h of "third-hand" smoke?

    Third-hand smoke means the pollution left on the surfaces (表面) of things around, l furniture or clothes. When someone smokes in a room, poisonous particles(粒子) in tobacco (烟草) smoke land on the surfaces of the furniture or his clothes, even after the cigarette (香烟) has been put out. This can cause a great danger to your family, e younger children.

    Babies have only just learned to walk. They are more likely to be harmed by third-hand smoke. This is b they are often close to surfaces of things. such as floors, walls and furniture where tobacco particles remain. When they t these surfaces, they get their hands polluted.

    So, it is necessary and important to say n to third-hand smoke. To achieve this, strict r for forbidding (禁止) smoking inside homes should be carved out. If one of your family members smokes, please make sure he smokes o the house. Get him a special jacket and hat, so once he f smoking, he will take them off before getting inside the house. Moreover, make sure that a smoker washes his hands and face, and changes his clothes before picking up the baby.

    Many times, you cannot see the smoke doing harm to your child, but it doesn't mean he or she is s". Give up smoking, or if that is not possible, make sure that your loved ones, far away from third-hand smoke.


    The villagers in Mhangeni, Africa. faced a very big challenge(挑战).They didn't have a school for their kids.

    Then the village elder thought of an i. He said that there was an old, abandoned (废弃的)farmhouse. It could be changed into classrooms after cleaning and furnishing(装设备)it. All the villagers were pwith his suggestion and started the project immediately

    The parents repaired the broken walls. Some villagers dthe house into three classrooms by using pieces of wood. The others helped make desks and chairs for the students. Still, there was much more work to do. But the rains were coming. They had to sworking for the school as it was now the best time for them to plant.

    So the children of Mhangeni decided to finish the house by t.They had to hurry as summer had ended and other schools had already opened.   They didn't want to delay(耽搁) their studies. Every day they were busy with cutting the grass and clearing the bushes(灌木).

    The news about the project sand many people knew it. Two teachers who worked for the country's Department of Education arrived to help out. and two foreign visitors were also touched (感动) by the children's a.They donated money for them to buy textbooks and stationery.

    After 10 days of hard work, the new school was r.The kids were very happy but a bit worried—they were behind in their studies.

    Besides(除…之外)this, they also faced many d.There were not enough classrooms to hold all the students. And two or three students had to share one book.

    However, the children are happy to study in school—ein their new school which they helped to build. Though their school might not be modern, their dream of having a school near their homes has come true.

Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

    Paul was my little brother, and he was special. He was different from me because he sat in a wheelchair, and he was blind. Lots of times when we walked with Paul, other kids came over and asked us why he was in his chair and why he couldn't s. They thought he was different because he had his own school bus and had to go to a special school. But that's not really the reason. Paul was different for the things just our family knew about-only we knew the s that made him special.

    Paul helped me hear small sounds. Every time I was with him, I'd have to be qto hear the flying birds and the talking trees he heard.

    Paul helped me exercise. When we went for a walk, we'd often go uphill. When I pushed his chair all the way to the woods at the t, I was really getting my exercise!

    Paul h ever complained. He went along with whatever the rest of us wanted to do. One time when he had a fever, he got uncomfortable, but he never shouted or fought or asked me to switch the TV channel.

    Sometimes Paul let me put things in, his hand. We played a kind of guessing game. I put different toys there for him to fHe was always surprised when I let him hold something new.

    Paul was my friend. He couldn't talk to me like most of my friends, and he couldn't run outside to play. But he was there for all the peaceful times, and he had the best smile in the world.

    I was l to grow up with him as his sister. He helped me to realize that there is a good side to every situation, if we simply make the choice to find it.
